Change, and talk of change, always breeds worry for some. We want to hear vision. We want to know where things are headed, particularly as it involves us or our loved ones. Still, we worry that vision-borne change may interfere with certain comforts or climates we treasure. We ask, “What if’?” with the worst case scenario in mind instead of “What if’?” with amindset that is imagining the awesome possibilities. I am often guilty of this, especially when prioritizing the safety and security of our students and staff.

The buzz that accompanies talk of executing a master facilities plan is always palpable. We are experiencing it right now. These are exciting days at CCS! Still, some are expressing a concern that new facilities will cause us to lose our “family feel.” Some worry that CCS is suddenly trying to be one of the other prep schools in town.

The source of the family feel at CCS is not aged buildings, nor will the demise of that family feel be new facilities. The source is the presence of Jesus Christ on our campus in the lives of those that are following Him, including students, parents and staff. This climate will be unchanging as long as He remains our central focus. None of our faculty, staff, or leadership has aspirations of trying to match facilities with anyone else in town. Our niche is that we are a college preparatory school that provides a Kingdom Education, teaching the whole child in preparation for life. That will always be our niche.

We refuse to lose the family dynamic. Rather, we desire to better take care of our family by providing space to accommodate a growing student body and resources to promote a 21st century education and greater consistency in the excellence promised in our mission statement. As I speak with individual parents, I can barely contain the excitement about what is coming – not so we look better on billboards, but so we can more effectively fulfill our mission of service to families and God’s kingdom. It is all for His glory!