Cambridge Christian high school offers a rigorous college preparatory educational experience that is grounded in Biblical truths.At Cambridge we are all about relationships, academics and spiritual growth:
The overall academic program at CCS is designed to promote and elevate learning. Our small class sizes create learning environments in which students are able to connect with one another and their teachers in ways that impact student achievement. The faculty consist of Kingdom Educators who are passionate about their disciplines, teaching & learning, and imparting Biblically sound knowledge. The curricular program aims to develop the 21st century skills required to equip students as they pursue higher learning. CCS offers three programs of study designed to support student needs. Our college prep and honors tracks both provide students with courses tailored to advance their educational experience. We currently offer 14 advanced placement courses, 18 honor courses, and a variety of elective courses of study.
CCS is intentional when it comes to building strong authentic relationships. Our high school faculty is genuinely committed to establishing relationships with students and families to reflect Kingdom Education principles. Through this partnership students are supported and encouraged to discover their passions and talents as they purse God’s will and purpose for their lives. We pursue relationships through clubs, organizations, and within the classroom. At CCS we are more than just a school community, we are a family!
Building student relationships through…
- 7 honor societies
- 5 student leadership organizations
- Active Key and Jr Key Clubs
- Lancer Competitive robotics team
- Advisory Period
- Over 6 interest clubs and committees
- Bible studies led by class chaplains
Building parent relationships through…
- Fall new parent socials
- Annual fall open house
- Fall parent coffees with US Principals and themed year-round coffee spots off campus
- Fall conference days
- PSA grade level coordinators
- Virtual distribution of US Scoop monthly newsletter
Spiritual Growth
All CCS students attend carefully designed Bible classes each day and participate in weekly chapel services that feature time with local ministry professionals. Advisory groups and annual class retreats also provide students with opportunities for spiritual advancement. In addition, there is an annual Spiritual Emphasis week when special guest speakers challenge students to know and grow in Christ. During the school year, each of our classes (grade levels) is shepherded by a pastor from within the CCS family. These pastors invest quality time in speaking to and developing relationships with students throughout their high school years.
Developing young men and women that love the Lord and desire to serve Him is our primary goal. As our students navigate their spiritual journey, we see our role as leading them to understand and embrace a genuinely Biblical Worldview. And, CCS seniors participate in an end-of-year interview process where they are asked to demonstrate a meaningful understanding of those worldview truths.
Our greatest desire is to see students grow spiritually. We recognize that we are striving to reach a post-Christian generation, many of whom are spiritually illiterate or walking away from a previously held faith. Our HS Bible program is designed to connect with just such a culture.
One generation passes away, and another generation comes…
-Ecclesiastes 1:4 NKJV
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
-Proverbs 22:6 NLT
Our Lancer Life Experience
At CCS we understand the social challenges students face today, which is why we encourage our students to get involved. Annual events, traditions, class trips, clubs & organizations – are all designed to positively engage students. One of our favorite weeks of the year is homecoming, and we take it very seriously. Daily homecoming activities provide opportunities for students to bond and work together to demonstrate school spirit. Our calendar is full intentionally as we pursue the Lancer Life experience.

Students enjoy grade level traditions throughout their high school years. Each of these traditions deepen the bonds within classes and promote school pride. Each grade level (9th-12th) participate in Lancer traditions, but the seniors enjoy many rich and fun privileges and traditions. We love to spoil our seniors!
- Freshmen “Notes of Blessing’
- 9th grade Keys Trip to Marine Lab
- Sophomore “10 day”
- Sophomore Family Outing
- Junior class missions trip abroad (location varies)
- Jr/Sr Passing of the Torch ceremony and take-over of senior deck
- Priority parking
- Permission to wear college shirts and sweatshirts
- Dismissal after 7th period
- Off-campus lunch on Fridays
- Off-campus breakfast and lunch outings
- On-campus senior surprises & themed lunches sponsored by the Guidance Office
- Senior & First Grade Fellowship events
- Senior walk and chapel
- Lancer for Life Fellowship
Annual High School Events
Homecoming week (dress days, class competitions, pep rallies, homecoming game, and dance)
Class retreats
See You at the Pole and Cambridge Days of Prayer
Athletic seasonal pep rallies
Spring Choir Missions Trip
Academic competitions (Math, Speech, Spanish, Writing)
High School Honor Societies induction Ceremony
High School awards night
Yearbook dedication and signing
Jr Ring Ceremony
Jr/Sr Prom
Grad Bash
Senior Regalia Assembly
Sr/Jr Passing of the Torch Ceremony
Senior Walk and Chapel
Baccalaureate Worship Service
Graduation Ceremony

Advisory Groups
Our teacher-led Advisory Groups meet weekly. Advisors meet with students individually to discuss academic progress throughout the year, provide spiritual guidance, and cultivate deeper relationships among groups. The Advisory Student-Led Planning Committee plans quarterly advisory challenges/events/assemblies, as well as select discussion topics, speakers, and themes. Advisory period also provides students with time to meet with teachers, attend study sessions, bible studies, and make-up missing work. During advisory Student Council offers Café Cambridge and various interest clubs meet.
Honor Societies & Academic Clubs
National Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
English Honors Society
Spanish National Honor Society
French National Honor Society
Quill & Scroll International Honor Society
Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society
Student Service & Interest Clubs and Competitive Teams
Key Club (11/12)
Jr Key Club (9/10)
Cultural Heritage Committee
G.R.A.C.E. Council
Advisory Student-Led Planning Committee (APC)
Lancer Competitive Robotics Team
Leadership Organizations
Student Leadership Institute (SLi)
Student Council
Class Officers
Servant Leadership & Outreach
Our mission is to serve the local and global community for Christ. Each of the leadership organizations and honor societies adopt an outreach or service project ever year that provides avenues for our students to engage our mission.
French Honor Society – New Missions Haiti Shoe box drive
National Honor Society – Cambridge days of prayer
Spanish Honor Society – Missions abroad
SLi – Oak Grove Elementary outreach and New Missions Sponsor Child
Ambassadors – CCS MS class retreats & small groups, See you at the Pole
Student Council – supports local service through Thanksgiving fundraiser
Key Club – serves monthly at Trinity Café and Kiwanis
Jr Key Club – CCS Early Childhood outreach on campus
Mu Alpha Theta – On Campus Math Tutoring
Grade Level Class Retreats
Each grade participates in a class retreat. Retreats are designed to deepen class bonds and provide an avenue for spiritual growth. The theme and location for each retreat varies from year to year. The senior retreat is the only overnight retreat. The class officers under the guidance of the Principals will select the theme and coordinate the activities for each retreat. Each of the shepherding pastors will also have opportunities to address their prospective classes at each of the retreats. The retreats are the highlight of the year for our classes!
STEM Pathways
Academics and Curriculum
At Cambridge Christian School, our academic philosophy is focused on engaging students in the learning process through an active learning approach that is grounded on the truth of God’s word. A Biblical worldview is the core/foundation for all academic courses. Our goal is to prepare students intellectually to engage the culture for Christ. We believe active learning is the vehicle that will inspire students to love learning and embrace their pursuit of academic excellence.
Each discipline contains core and elective courses of study, each fully committed to engaging students through research based instructional strategies. Curriculum is designed with the learner in mind and for the purpose of preparing students to be become successful learners.
All of our students and their parents have access to advising appointments at any time. We offer grade specific evening meetings, 9th through 12th grade, once per year.
In addition, we strongly encourage parents of all juniors and seniors to sign up for individual family meetings at least once in the 11th grade and once in the 12th grade. Students and parents may schedule more than one appointment per year as needed.